Find the best domain name for your website

Websites + Domain









Our recommended server and host

shahin host is always with you

Dedicated Server

Dedicated resources, maximum power
No restrictions on access
Software and hardware support
Ability to install special software

Sharing Host

Agility, simplicity and stability
Free installation of management system
RAID system for more security
Management control panel

Virtual Server

Fast, customizable and secure
No restrictions on access
Software and hardware support
Ability to install special software

Why We Should Choose Shahin Host?

We use the latest HP server technology in the best data centers in Iran and the world to 

ensure that our customers get the best performance from their websites..


shahin servers have 99.8% uptime

Stable and safe technology

Our servers protect your and users’ information by complying with very high security standards.


Free immigration service

You can transfer your data completely free of charge to the technical team of shahin host .


Dedicated infrastructure

Shahin Host has provided you with the maximum choice by providing a dedicated server all around the world.


Find the right domain

Discover your perfect domain

Find the right name to help people find you. Use our search and suggestion tools. Pick from hundreds of domain name endings.

Build and host your site

Build your site, no coding required

Whether you need to build a simple site, a blog, or a robust e-commerce solution, we have the tools and partners to help you build your website like a pro.

Google Ads

Market your business online

Get in front of customers searching for businesses like yours with Google Ads. Increase website traffic, phone calls, and store visits all on any budget.

Put the power of Google behind your domain


Simple pricing. Extras included.

Domains start at $9/year. Email forwarding, privacy protection.


Speed. Security. Support.

Experience speed and security using DNS servers that run on Google infrastructure.


More endings. More options.

Choose from more than 300 domain endings. From .com to .photography to .cafe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual server

How are bought services managed?

After buying your desired service one full optioned management panel will be provided.



Is it possible to exchange IPs?

Yes. IP changes will be made after payment.


Can I fully transfer my website to your host?

Yes. All you need to do is to buy your desired plan and inform us that you have to transfer your website to the new server our experts will do this for you for free.


Is it possible to present the host?

Yes. Backup hosts will be done weekly.

Need help? Call our award-winning support team